Category Archives: Estates

Couples Estate Plan Tips

Couple Getting Married

No matter the month, wedding planning usually includes tuxedos, dresses, rehearsal dinners, guest lists, and the honeymoon. However, too many couples fail to consider an important element that should make every “to do” list – a couples estate plan.

Get Your Financial Ducks in a Row

Ducks in a Row Skvarna Law

An important first step for creating an estate plan? Take an inventory of your money and property. Regardless of your wealth or financial struggles, everything you own is part of your estate and should be listed–or at least accounted for– in your inventory.

Contested Estate

Family Fighting Over Assets

While many assume that a will or trust signed in an attorney’s office is valid, such is not always the case. Attorneys who do not specialize in estate planning may be unfamiliar with the formalities required to make a will or trust legally valid in their state.

Refi Estate Planning

Piggy Bank House Calculator Money

If you plan to refinance a property, call today so we can make sure that your lender, the title company, and you remain on the same page. What’s more, we want to ensure the property you refinance is titled correctly.

Refinancing & Estate Planning

Estate Planning Refinance Mortgages

Part 1 of a 2-Part Series Low-interest rates led to record-breaking mortgage refinancing across the country. Millions of homeowners are scrambling to refinance their home loans before the end of the year. After all; even a few tenths of a percentage point of interest, paid monthly for 30 years, significantly reduces the amount of interest […]

10 Types of Trusts

TRUST written on paper

A generation-skipping trusts allows you to distribute your money and property to your grandchildren, or even to later generations, without taxation, by using your lifetime exemption to offset any tax that could be due.

Why Your Heirs May Receive a Smaller Inheritance Than They Expect

Depending on the size of the estate and the nature of the accounts and property held by the estate, these expenses reduce the final amount available for heirs or beneficiaries.

Vacation Plans? How to Prepare

(Part 1 of a 2-Part Series) After months of near confinement in our homes, most Americans are stir-crazy. As such, we are eager to travel to make vacation plans. As more states are open, take these precautions before your summer travels.