Category Archives: Taxes

Joint Trusts for Unmarried Couples?

Close up of old English dictionary page with word unmarried

If you are in a long-term relationship with your partner but remain unmarried, you may want to take advantage of these benefits. However, joint trusts do not work for unmarried couples. This may not seem fair. However, there are some important reasons why unmarried couples should consider separate rather than joint trusts.

Tax Planning: Meat Loaf’s Estate

Writing note showing Tax Planning. Business concept for analysis of financial situation or plan from a tax perspective White pc keyboard with note paper above the white background

Using a bypass trust is another way to avoid the estate tax. In this case, Meat Loaf could have created a trust to hold an amount equal to his unused individual lifetime exclusion amount ($12.06 million), with any excess passing to his wife either outright or through a marital trust, therefore bypassing estate tax liability.

Wealth Transfer Checklist

Wealth Transfer Estate Plan

To help your loved ones avoid this troubling statistic, educate, and update your extended family about wealth transfer goals. Finally, it alerts them to the plan you created to achieve these goals.