Tag Archives: Inheritance

Why Your Heirs May Receive a Smaller Inheritance Than They Expect

Depending on the size of the estate and the nature of the accounts and property held by the estate, these expenses reduce the final amount available for heirs or beneficiaries.

An inheritance can change your Estate Plan

Wealth Inheritance Upland

Receiving an inheritance is a huge blessing. However, it it is not handled properly, it could become a curse. For example, often times, the inheritor does not know what to do with the new asset and runs into financial trouble. Without care, inheritors can squander most, if not all of the inherited funds. In such […]

Keeping the Peace After You Are Gone: Estate Plan

Estate Planning Glendora and Upland

When musician Aretha Franklin died last month, she failed to leave a will. With her estate valued at more than 80 million dollars, her failure to complete an estate plan has put her heirs in a difficult position. An attorney who worked with Franklin for years says he urged Franklin to create a will or trust. […]