The Importance of a Successor Trustee

Successor Trustee Estate Plan

Healthcare documents (such as a Medical POA, Advanced Directive or Living Will, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) authorization form) primarily focus on medical matters. However, they may also impact the financial matters handled by the successor trustee.

The Importance of a Successor Trustee

Successor Trustee

Unlike other estate planning options, an RLT grants the ability to maintain control and enjoy accounts and property during someone’s lifetime. What’s more, it maintains privacy relative to how to manage accounts and property.

Trustee Selection

Diagram of Settlor Beneficiary Trustee for RLT

Name someone to serve with you. This familiarizes your co-trustee with your trust. It also teaches your partner about the way you want the trust to operate. What’s more, it lets you evaluate your co-trustee’s abilities.

Refi Estate Planning

Piggy Bank House Calculator Money

If you plan to refinance a property, call today so we can make sure that your lender, the title company, and you remain on the same page. What’s more, we want to ensure the property you refinance is titled correctly.

Refinancing & Estate Planning

Estate Planning Refinance Mortgages

Part 1 of a 2-Part Series Low-interest rates led to record-breaking mortgage refinancing across the country. Millions of homeowners are scrambling to refinance their home loans before the end of the year. After all; even a few tenths of a percentage point of interest, paid monthly for 30 years, significantly reduces the amount of interest […]

A Tale of Two Celebrity Estates

Red Carpet Celebrities

Chadwick Boseman died at the age of 43, after a four-year battle with colon cancer. Boseman kept his cancer diagnosis a secret for four years, working on projects such as the Black Panther in the Marvel Comics Avengerfilm franchise.