Category Archives: Retirement

Elder Fraud and Financial Abuse

Even as the coronavirus pandemic wanes, many older adults remain socially isolated and vulnerable to financial victimization. Robocalls, emails scams, and catfishing on social media platforms, con artists bombard the elderly routinely seeking financial gain. However, the National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA) reports that most financial exploitation cases the organization receives are from individuals known to the victims, such as relatives, caregivers, friends, and neighbors.

Helping Seniors Avoid Loneliness

Lonely Sad Man

Loneliness is feeling sad about a lack of human connections and interactions. While social isolation may make most people feel lonely, loneliness is not the same as being alone. However, not everyone who lives alone feels lonely. What’s more, not all people who feel lonely live alone. People of any age may feel lonely, but the condition is especially common in seniors.

Coordinate Your Estate & Retirement Plans

Retirement and Taxes

Many people think of retirement funds as monolithic resources. That’s understandable. After all; we work for years socking away money for the future. Unfortunately, though, rising healthcare costs can erode even the largest retirement account. Retirement accounts typically form the largest portion of most estates. So, set up proper management to handle your fund. The […]