Category Archives: Uncategorized

Estate Planning Awareness Week

Family Meeting (To discuss estate plans)

If you are planning to speak to your parents about the need for an estate plan, it is important to try to include any siblings in the discussion to avoid giving the impression that you are trying to influence or control your parents’ choices.

Informal Probate

two women, one casual and one dressed up

The loss of a loved one presents unexpected challenges. You might feel overwhelmed if you lose a beloved relative or friend. And the process of handling their affairs only adds to the stress. Many families eagerly try to tie up loose ends and distribute assets. But in many cases, they end up facing either formal […]

When to Review Your Estate Plan

Financial Changes

Just like other important life tasks, your estate plan deserves your time and attention. It’s important that you work with us to review your estate plan at least once a year. Think of this as your estate plan’s annual physical exam, and remember—prevention is the best cure. An annual exam isn’t necessarily the only time […]

All About Niche Trusts

Niche Trust Unique

You’re not a carbon copy of your neighbor. Likewise, your estate plan shouldn’t be a carbon copy of theirs. A qualified estate planning team tailors trusts to specific needs. Your team works together to produce, tailor, or edit your estate plan. Consider niche trusts.

Coordinate Your Estate & Retirement Plans

Retirement and Taxes

Many people think of retirement funds as monolithic resources. That’s understandable. After all; we work for years socking away money for the future. Unfortunately, though, rising healthcare costs can erode even the largest retirement account. Retirement accounts typically form the largest portion of most estates. So, set up proper management to handle your fund. The […]

Add Estate Planning to Your Vacation Checklist

Did you plan your vacation itinerary? Booked plane tickets? Reserved a room? Tossed sunblock and a beach novel into your suitcase? After settling your travel plans, before heading out the door, consider whether your estate plan is up to date. Don’t leave before ensuring the financial health and the future of your loved ones remains […]

3 Asset Protection Tips

Asset Protection Save House

People mistakenly believe that asset protection only matters for wealthy families or professionals in high-risk occupations. But this is not the case. Anyone can be sued as a result of a car accident, foreclosure, unpaid medical bills, or tenant injury. A monetary judgment against you could decimate your finances. What Is Asset Protection Planning? Asset […]

Family Estate-Planning Peace

Most families get together for the holidays, share laughs, and tell stories. Everyone gets along and enjoys each other’s company. Then, the matriarch or patriarch dies. Suddenly, years of pent-up resentment and hurt feelings bubble to the surface. And the once-happy family dynamic crumbles over the decedent’s estate. There goes estate-planning peace!