Category Archives: Uncategorized

10 Types of Trusts

TRUST written on paper

A generation-skipping trusts allows you to distribute your money and property to your grandchildren, or even to later generations, without taxation, by using your lifetime exemption to offset any tax that could be due.

Why Your Heirs May Receive a Smaller Inheritance Than They Expect

Depending on the size of the estate and the nature of the accounts and property held by the estate, these expenses reduce the final amount available for heirs or beneficiaries.

Vacation Plans? How to Prepare

(Part 1 of a 2-Part Series) After months of near confinement in our homes, most Americans are stir-crazy. As such, we are eager to travel to make vacation plans. As more states are open, take these precautions before your summer travels.

Sandwich Generation: Caring for Kids & Parents

Or, you could manage their financial affairs as a conservator. This takes time and money. It also involves public testimony and evaluations about your parents’ health and living situation.

RLTs to Avoid Probate

Stock Options Estate Planning

Today, many people are using Revocable Living Trust (RLTs). Used instead of a will or joint ownership, RLTs provide the foundation of an effective estate plan. When properly prepared, a living trust avoids the public, costly and time-consuming court processes of conservatorship or guardianship (due to incapacity) or probate (after death). Still, many mistakenly send […]

Nosy Neighbors & Probate

Surprised Nosey Neighbor

Most people equate probate with privacy. The process of collecting, managing, and distributing a deceased person’s money and property, probate is not a private process. For example, attorneys file wills at the courthouse. This makes them public record. As a result, your nosy neighbors need only travel to the courthouse or hop online to find out […]