Tag Archives: elder fraud

Elder Fraud and Financial Abuse

Even as the coronavirus pandemic wanes, many older adults remain socially isolated and vulnerable to financial victimization. Robocalls, emails scams, and catfishing on social media platforms, con artists bombard the elderly routinely seeking financial gain. However, the National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA) reports that most financial exploitation cases the organization receives are from individuals known to the victims, such as relatives, caregivers, friends, and neighbors.

Elder Fraud: Prevention Steps

Scammer stealing a credit card from a senior woman online, internet fraud and seniors concept

Educating older adults never to give out financial, government ID, or other personal information over the phone or internet is crucial to protect them. The older you become, the greater the risk of elder fraud. Knowing the possible schemes and planning additional oversight of your financial accounts can help protect your or a loved one from elder fraud. Contact our office to talk with an elder law attorney for resources and help to recover from fraudulent activity.