Category Archives: Estate Planning

How to Avoid Probate Costs

As an added convenience for our clients, we are available to hold our meetings through video conferencing or by phone if you prefer. We are here to help you decide whether it makes sense to avoid probate in your particular case and, if so, the best way to do so.

Nosy Neighbors & Probate

Surprised Nosey Neighbor

Most people equate probate with privacy. The process of collecting, managing, and distributing a deceased person’s money and property, probate is not a private process. For example, attorneys file wills at the courthouse. This makes them public record. As a result, your nosy neighbors need only travel to the courthouse or hop online to find out […]

Estate Self-Care for Essential Workers

Essential Workers

To better assist our clients, we are available to meet by telephone or video conference. We may also be able to use remote procedures for the signing and executing of your documents, eliminating the need for you to come into our office at all.

Estate Planning for Restauranteurs

Restaurant Interior

State law may require the new restaurant to meet certain legal requirements to hold a liquor license. This may involve a lengthy process involving a transfer application, a criminal background check, fees, and other measures designed to ensure regulatory compliance.

Restaurant Owners Estate Plans

Key Person Insurance

If you co-own your restaurant with one or more other individuals, it may be beneficial to consider a buy-sell agreement, which is designed to clearly set forth the rights of each of the owners in transferring their interest, making it easier for the owners to exit the business when the time comes.

Beneficiary Protection in Uncertain Times

Care Manager Beneficiary Planning

Part 1 in a 2-Part Series Children bless us. From the day you or your wife gives birth, you start planning for your children’s future. You wonder about their interests, occupation and future spouse. These issues concern families most of the time. What’s more, they emerge as even more important in uncertainty, such as with […]