Retiring or stopping your employment means losing one type of income. For many, their retirement accounts will provide a large portion of the money they will be living on during their retirement; however, this does not happen overnight, it takes advance planning.
Category Archives: Estate Planning
After a Financial POA springs, the person nominated to handle your affairs may do what you would have otherwise done sans incapacitation.
The reasons a trust-maker creates a trust emerge as important. However, your intent or purpose for creating a trust imparts legal ramifications. Therefore, a trust-maker must express (in writing) their intent or purpose for creating the trust.
The trust created often leaves instructions to the trustee. In these, they note that older children earn an advancement from the common trust. They use this to pay for expenses such as buying a home or starting a business.
When you die, your accounts and property pass to minor children in equal shares. However, such money often proves insufficient for individual heir’s expenses.
Whether you filed for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, assume that you own less money and property than before the bankruptcy. However, during the bankruptcy process, the court reports certain accounts and pieces of property under a federal or state exemption.
No trust contains unlimited funds or an interminable time horizon. In the end, every trust eventually ends.
If you want someone to continue to manage your Facebook account after you die, you need to designate a legacy contact.
As professional advisors, we spend hours with our clients. In fact, we grow familiar with their most personal details. Listening intently and helping our clients achieve financial and tax planning goals creates a natural closeness between clients and advisors.
Left unaddressed, estate planning myths create serious trouble for loved ones. This often leads to intrafamily conflict, permanently damaged relationships, and lengthy and expensive court battles.