Or, you could manage their financial affairs as a conservator. This takes time and money. It also involves public testimony and evaluations about your parents’ health and living situation.
Category Archives: Assets
Does the deceased person’s will specify the amount they will pay you? As the personal representative, the estate will award compensation. Amounts vary based on a certain percentage of the estate.
If a hoarder names you as the person to administer his or her estate, follow these suggestions for doing just that.
Part 1 in a 2-Part Series Children bless us. From the day you or your wife gives birth, you start planning for your children’s future. You wonder about their interests, occupation and future spouse. These issues concern families most of the time. What’s more, they emerge as even more important in uncertainty, such as with […]
Some financial articles insist that a will is not the best way to leave assets to heirs. But why is that? Won’t scribbling something on a napkin work? Wills often lead to long and expensive court proceedings. Countless other more-efficient ways could be used, all of which more effectively pass property to family. But follow this […]
If you are like many millennials, who are the first generation who grew up using the internet, you have likely amassed a much greater quantity of digital assets than members of previous generations.
If you are an individual with a high net worth, financial planning often moves beyond retirement planning to laying the foundation for multigenerational wealth transfer or achieving philanthropic objectives.
Don’t Procrastinate: Talk with Your Family and Your Estate Planning Attorney Today There’s no perfect time to broach the subject of estate planning with your family. We all know that everyone passes away eventually, but many of us often want to conveniently forget that reality. You face a decision. Take the initiative to start a family […]
You’re not a carbon copy of your neighbor. Likewise, your estate plan shouldn’t be a carbon copy of theirs. A qualified estate planning team tailors trusts to specific needs. Your team works together to produce, tailor, or edit your estate plan. Consider niche trusts.
Planning ahead benefits everyone involved. This applies to vacations and job interviews as much as to end-of-life concerns. Outlining your priorities and anticipating potential challenges makes sense in everything, including your estate. Clearly establishing protection over wealth and assets protects your family if you pass away or become incapacitated. However, simply meeting with an attorney […]