Category Archives: Trusts

Caregiver: You’re Not Planning Just for Yourself

Guardian legal Estate Plan

Along with your financial advisor, we can help determine which of your resources can be used to fund the special needs trust or if a life insurance policy may be needed to ensure that there are sufficient funds available to provide for the beneficiary’s care.

National Adoption Month

Most adoptions involve minor children. Arrange for someone to care for the new child if something happens to you. Appoint a guardian, i.e., a caregiver, in your will. This person will act as your child’s parent if you become disabled or die.

Who’s on Your Team?

Starting Lineup Teamwork

If you are an individual with a high net worth, financial planning often moves beyond retirement planning to laying the foundation for multigenerational wealth transfer or achieving philanthropic objectives.

My Loved One Has Died – What Do I Do Now?

Death Certificate After Death Pre Planning

It is important to contact an experienced probate and trust administration attorney to help you with the process, as well as any other legal matters that may arise during this difficult and emotional time.

Estate Planning Awareness Week

Family Meeting (To discuss estate plans)

If you are planning to speak to your parents about the need for an estate plan, it is important to try to include any siblings in the discussion to avoid giving the impression that you are trying to influence or control your parents’ choices.

Beneficiary Designations Part 2

Last week, we began a two-part series about designating beneficiaries for your life insurance policy. Click here to read that post. Here is part 2.  Protection against your creditors. 

Avoid Estate Planning Procrastination

Text "NOW"

Don’t Procrastinate: Talk with Your Family and Your Estate Planning Attorney Today There’s no perfect time to broach the subject of estate planning with your family. We all know that everyone passes away eventually, but many of us often want to conveniently forget that reality. You face a decision. Take the initiative to start a family […]

When to Review Your Estate Plan

Financial Changes

Just like other important life tasks, your estate plan deserves your time and attention. It’s important that you work with us to review your estate plan at least once a year. Think of this as your estate plan’s annual physical exam, and remember—prevention is the best cure. An annual exam isn’t necessarily the only time […]

All About Niche Trusts

Niche Trust Unique

You’re not a carbon copy of your neighbor. Likewise, your estate plan shouldn’t be a carbon copy of theirs. A qualified estate planning team tailors trusts to specific needs. Your team works together to produce, tailor, or edit your estate plan. Consider niche trusts.

Does a Signed Trust Eliminate the Probate Process?

Asset Protection Probate Process

Planning ahead benefits everyone involved. This applies to vacations and job interviews as much as to end-of-life concerns. Outlining your priorities and anticipating potential challenges makes sense in everything, including your estate. Clearly establishing protection over wealth and assets protects your family if you pass away or become incapacitated. However, simply meeting with an attorney […]