Category Archives: Trustee

Wealth Transfer Checklist

Wealth Transfer Estate Plan

To help your loved ones avoid this troubling statistic, educate, and update your extended family about wealth transfer goals. Finally, it alerts them to the plan you created to achieve these goals.

Irrevocable Life Insurance ILIT Trusts

Generational Wealth Transfer

Even if Congress fails to act, in 2026, the current rate sunsets. This cuts rates in half to about $6 million per individual. This blog post discusses ILIT Trusts. So, read on.

The Importance of a Successor Trustee

Successor Trustee

Unlike other estate planning options, an RLT grants the ability to maintain control and enjoy accounts and property during someone’s lifetime. What’s more, it maintains privacy relative to how to manage accounts and property.

Trustee Selection

Diagram of Settlor Beneficiary Trustee for RLT

Name someone to serve with you. This familiarizes your co-trustee with your trust. It also teaches your partner about the way you want the trust to operate. What’s more, it lets you evaluate your co-trustee’s abilities.