With significant funds in the account, the family may need to file probate to claim the funds. However, most states follow a small estate affidavit process.
Category Archives: Heirs
Many families purchase life insurance to protect their income. This protects the family’s source of income which would otherwise end due to the death of the parent.
Part 2 in a 2-Part Series Low Interest Rates & Estate Planning Last week, we began a two-part series about how to share your wealth through estate planning. To read part one in the series, click here. This week, we conclude by examining other options for sharing your wealth. We examine charitable gifts, including intrafamily loans.
Your attorney can design the trust to pay the grantor a stream of income at least annually and over a specific term of years. At the end of the specified term, payments end.
Often, family members “lawyer up” and settle in for a long, drawn-out court battle. In such cases, attorney fees often spiral into the tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Depending on the size of the estate and the nature of the accounts and property held by the estate, these expenses reduce the final amount available for heirs or beneficiaries.