Category Archives: Estates

Life Estate Versus Right of Occupancy Trust

An abstract illustration showing glowing houses arranged in a network.

Planning for the future complicates life. This is especially true if you want to make sure that a loved one continues living comfortably after you die. Two common tools for accomplishing this are life estates and right of occupancy trusts. A life estate grants someone the legal right to live in a home for the rest of their […]

Celebrity Estates: James Earl Jones

SAN BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO, ITALY. DECEMBER 5, 2014. Darth Vader helmet replica . Darth Vader or Dart Fener is a fictional character of Star Wars saga. Studio lights.

These words, uttered by James Earl Jones in his voice-over role as Darth Vader, are indelible in the minds of Star Wars fans. People know Jones also for voicing Mufasa in The Lion King and a series of cable news promotions in which he declared, “This is CNN.” 

Don’t Let Your Estate Plan Go Up in Smoke

As we get older, it is inevitable that we become more aware of our mortality. Reflections on life and death do not necessarily have to be morbid. They can also prompt us to take actions that focus on our legacy. found that, in 2024, 43 percent of adults over age 55 have wills—down from 46 percent in 2023 and 48 percent in 2020

Pet Estates

Group of cute pets on white background. Banner design

One option to financially provide for your pet is to give a lump sum to the person you choose to care for your pet at your death. This option is the easiest to carry out and does not involve any ongoing administration or oversight. However, because the money goes directly to the caregiver, there will be no one monitoring the use of the funds. You must trust that the caregiver will use the funds for the pet’s benefit.

What is a Living Probate?

Living Probate Skvarna Law

When someone is unable to manage his or her own affairs – often due to illness or older age – family members may seek court intervention to appoint a conservator or guardian. The court-appointed individual makes financial decisions on behalf of the incapacitated person. The same person (or sometimes someone different, also appointed by the court) takes over control of everyday matters, including medical decisions. These living probate proceedings are public, time-consuming, and expensive.

Celebrity Estates: Senator Dianne Feinstein

A photo of the bronze bust of Senator and former San Francisco mayor Diane Feinstein, with flowers, during her public lying in-state at San Francisco City Hall.

Although a large amount of her wealth came from her marriage to the late billionaire financier Richard C. Blum, Senator Feinstein was also successful in her own right. During their marriage, Feinstein and Blum established a marital trust that is now the subject of a fierce legal battle between Feinstein’s daughter and Blum’s three daughters. 

Can AI Programs Write Your Estate Plan?

Robotic hand reaching out of laptop screen to begin typing generative AI writing work. Bloggers and ghostwriters are being supplemented by technology

Some state laws are complex and hard to understand, and you may not know enough specifics to offer the correct information about your situation or verify that AI has properly generated or created your will or trust. Additionally, your final documents may contain wording, formatting, and grammatical errors that make them unenforceable. 

Spousal Communication: 4 Things To Tell Your Spouse Before You Die

Spousal Communication 4 tips

When one spouse is the “money person” in the relationship, it can create issues in both life and death. To avoid unnecessary stress, couples need to ensure that they are on the same page. For day-to-day finances, this can mean regular check-ins about charges, expenditures, and budgeting. About estate planning, couples should keep each other informed about the location of important documents such as the following: