Category Archives: Estate Planning

10 Estate Planning Tips for Furry Family Members

Estate Planning Glendora Upland

In Honor of National Dog Day, 10 Crucial Insights for Protecting Furry Family Members Americans love pets. In fact, the American Pet Products Association estimates that in 2017, pet owners spent more than $69 billion on their dogs, cats, birds, reptiles and other domestic animals. The money spent isn’t just for pampering the pets. It also […]

Keeping the Peace After You Are Gone: Estate Plan

Estate Planning Glendora and Upland

When musician Aretha Franklin died last month, she failed to leave a will. With her estate valued at more than 80 million dollars, her failure to complete an estate plan has put her heirs in a difficult position. An attorney who worked with Franklin for years says he urged Franklin to create a will or trust. […]

How Estate Planning Can Help You Dream About Your Future

Attorney Estate Planning

A dream without a plan is just a wish. Estate planning takes your wishes and turns them into reality. Estate planning is also a great way to focus on the legacy you want to leave behind for loved ones, so they can avoid the expense and delays associated with probate. And, in the process, you […]

Back-To-School Prep: Not Just About Supplies

College Students & Guardianship

With your children’s wellbeing weighing on your mind each day, you could forget about some of the most important factors involved caring for their present as well as their future: naming a guardian for your estate plan. Guardianship & More When was the last time you reflected on the person you selected to be guardian? […]

Baby Boomers & Drug Use

Stop Baby Boomer Drug Abuse

Until recently, senior citizens could be counted on as the population most likely to scorn drug abuse. In fact, the elderly typically stigmatized people who engaged in such activities. However, as Baby Boomers fill senior living facilities, they bring a somewhat looser attitude about drug use and misuse. After all, most hail from the drug […]

Estate Planning After Dementia Diagnosis

Dementia Matters

When diagnosed with dementia, most people feel shocked and surprised and sorely unprepared for future care needs. But after receiving this type of diagnosis, preparing for the future becomes immensely important. If you or someone you love has dementia, immediately seek guidance for future care. For help in taking the right steps to develop a […]

Letter of Instruction

Letter about your Stuff

Estate Planning  A letter of instruction is an informal document that lets your loved ones know what to do after your death. While no one wants to focus on such a somber subject, death is a natural part of life. So, preparing for it makes sense. And taking this step can alleviate stress and prevent […]

Helping Abused Senior Citizens

The Issue The Elder Abuse Prevention and Prosecution Act was signed into law in 2017. Designed to combat the growing epidemic of the financial and physical abuse levied against the elderly, the bill should reduce the number of senior citizens who suffer ill treatment and scams.

All About Hospice

What is Hospice Care? Difficult as you may find it, Hospice may be the perfect care solution for your terminally-ill loved one. Hospice Care provides comfort and quality of life for the terminally ill. So, this type of care allows patients to remain at home. Most hospice-care providers understand how to alleviate pain and manage […]

Does Your Estate Plan Reflects Your Wishes?

Estate Plans Can Change Joe and Darlene are a married couple who decided to divide their estate property equally between their three children. They wanted their house to go to daughter, Mindy, who loved it. And the rest of their estate plans included equal division of assets between sons Dennis and Eddie. At their request, […]