Category Archives: Estate Planning

Estate Planning Checklist for 2019

Estate Planning Checklist

As the end of the year approaches consider the changes you may need to make to your estate plan. Have you gotten married or divorced over the past year? Perhaps you’ve welcomed a new child or grandchild? Or has your health changed? So much can happen in a year, it’s important not to let too […]

What if you Don’t Die?

Estate Planning Attorney

Part 1of a 2-Part Series Why Ignoring the Importance of Incapacity Planning Could Lead to Serious Consequences For reasons no one can quite understand or explain, deaths spike during the holidays. Weird, we know. But while we’re on the subject, we might as well address the elephant in the room; despite careful planning, you may […]

What do the 2018 Midterm Elections Mean for Your Estate Plan?

Politics and Estate Planning

Estate planning is an ongoing process instead of a one-time transaction. In the same way you never stop budgeting, saving, and investing in life, estate planning is a lifelong endeavor. Let’s look at some of the considerations you should make now that the 2018 midterm elections are over. Planning in a Fluctuating Political Climate

Start Thinking about 2018 Taxes

Tax Documentation 2018

Believe it or not, the end of the year is rapidly approaching. So, now is the time to take a moment and start preparing your year-end tax planning for 2018. This is extra important this tax year because of the changes to the tax law which became effective in 2018. As a result, your taxes […]

Fall Estate Planning Checklist

Estate Planning Taxes 2019

With several months left before the new year, fall is the perfect time to review your estate planning affairs. Below is a checklist to ensure your planning meets your needs and is up-to-date: When did you last update your Power of Attorney (POA)? A valuable legal document, no matter what the circumstance A POA is […]

An inheritance can change your Estate Plan

Wealth Inheritance Upland

Receiving an inheritance is a huge blessing. However, it it is not handled properly, it could become a curse. For example, often times, the inheritor does not know what to do with the new asset and runs into financial trouble. Without care, inheritors can squander most, if not all of the inherited funds. In such […]

Legal Strategies for Scary Times

Personal Estate Legal Plans Advice Chart

A poor health diagnosis or need for major surgery can disrupt your day-to-day life. So, estate plans are likely far from top-of-mind. Despite the fact you have much to contend with due to such taxing demands, it’s crucial to consider estate plans in times of change. In fact, proactive planning can ease you and your […]

Your 3-Step Guide to Creating an Informed Estate Plan

Planning for the Financial Future of a Troubled Adult Child  Are you concerned about any of your adult children? A well-executed estate plan can pose extra challenges for families with adult children struggling with addiction, marital issues, or irresponsibility with money. The last thing you want is for your wealth to end up having a […]

10 Estate Planning Tips for Furry Family Members

Estate Planning Glendora Upland

In Honor of National Dog Day, 10 Crucial Insights for Protecting Furry Family Members Americans love pets. In fact, the American Pet Products Association estimates that in 2017, pet owners spent more than $69 billion on their dogs, cats, birds, reptiles and other domestic animals. The money spent isn’t just for pampering the pets. It also […]

Keeping the Peace After You Are Gone: Estate Plan

Estate Planning Glendora and Upland

When musician Aretha Franklin died last month, she failed to leave a will. With her estate valued at more than 80 million dollars, her failure to complete an estate plan has put her heirs in a difficult position. An attorney who worked with Franklin for years says he urged Franklin to create a will or trust. […]