Category Archives: Estate Attorney

Family Estate-Planning Peace

Most families get together for the holidays, share laughs, and tell stories. Everyone gets along and enjoys each other’s company. Then, the matriarch or patriarch dies. Suddenly, years of pent-up resentment and hurt feelings bubble to the surface. And the once-happy family dynamic crumbles over the decedent’s estate. There goes estate-planning peace!

What to Bring to An Estate Planning Meeting

Estate Attorney Meeting

Putting together an estate plan? If so, consult with an attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in this area of law. Your initial estate planning meeting will allow you the chance to discuss your family’s financial situation and cover concerns and goals. Preparing ahead of time for this meeting will smooth the way for you […]

Estate Planning for Rental Property Owners

Estate Planning Steps

Popular services like Airbnb offer attractive alternatives to hotel stays. Homeowners and vacationers, alike, enjoy the perks associated with “easy” rentals. Do you own a home or other income-generating rental property? Make sure you understand the following asset protection and estate planning considerations: Protecting Owners from Liability As with any rental relationship, property ownership comes […]

How to Coordinate Retirement & Estate Plans

Death & Taxes Estate Planning in Retirement

We often think of retirement accounts as monolithic resources. It is easy to see why. We spend years socking away money for the future. Unfortunately, however, the rising cost of healthcare threatens to deplete even the largest retirement account. Because retirement funds make up the largest assets in a person’s estate, proper planning is crucial […]

What to do with the family heirlooms and keepsakes

Estate Planning Legacy

When many think of estate planning, they think of assets that include money, real estate, and personal property. But, included in someone’s estate could be invaluable personal property, such as family heirlooms or keepsakes. Don’t overlook this type of property even if it does not have a high dollar value. It could still provide sentimental […]

Stress Test Your Estate Plan

Estate Planning Living Trust

So you have done the hard work of establishing an estate plan. Good for you! However, you still have serious work to do to ensure that the strategy you have selected will maximize your peace of mind and protect your legacy. Estate plans should be like living, breathing creations that reflect the changes in your life. […]

Living Probate

Living Probate Glendora Upland

If you become incapacitated, who is going to take care of you? As difficult as it may be, face facts. If you become incapacitated, you will not be able to make medical decisions for yourself. What’s more, you won’t be able to manage day-to-day-today affairs. This would be sad no matter what. But, if you […]

Three Legal Things to Do After a Scary Health Diagnosis

Estate Planning Attorney Vic Skvarna

A scary health diagnosis causes emotional and logistical challenges. For instance, how can you take care of your family if something happens which causes physical incapacitation? In addition to working closely with your medical providers, consider taking these three legal tips: Make sure your Estate Plan is up to date. Are you among the 42 […]

10 Estate Plan Mistakes

Outdated Estate Plan

Have you created a trust or will? If not, now is the time to do so! And, if so, did you work with an established estate planning attorney to set it up or did you DIY? Either way, review the following caveats to see if any apply to your plan. Review the list to make […]

Do You Need a Will or Trust?

Estate Attorney Glendora Upland

The short answer? Yes; you need a will or trust! In fact, everyone needs a will, trust, or both to ensure their legacy is passed on in the way you intend. Most people feel strongly about the way they would want to provide for their children, spouse, and family members. And in the case of […]