Positive emotions accompany by a broadened perspective. This allows us to see and examine a variety of options before choosing the one we believe to be best.
Author Archives: Skvarna Law
Although most people escape serious danger even with Coronavirus, use the pandemic as a wake-up call create or update your estate plan.
State law may require the new restaurant to meet certain legal requirements to hold a liquor license. This may involve a lengthy process involving a transfer application, a criminal background check, fees, and other measures designed to ensure regulatory compliance.
If you co-own your restaurant with one or more other individuals, it may be beneficial to consider a buy-sell agreement, which is designed to clearly set forth the rights of each of the owners in transferring their interest, making it easier for the owners to exit the business when the time comes.
While you are living, it is your fundamental constitutional right to determine whether–and how often– your children will see your parents (their grandparents).
If you do not appoint the custodian, the court will appoint someone to control and manage your children’s inheritance until they reach a pre-set age of majority. This is necessary because minors legally cannot own money or property on their own.
Supporting a special needs child or grandchild can be expensive. While you are working or have a stream of income, you can allocate money as you see fit.
Part 1 in a 2-Part Series Children bless us. From the day you or your wife gives birth, you start planning for your children’s future. You wonder about their interests, occupation and future spouse. These issues concern families most of the time. What’s more, they emerge as even more important in uncertainty, such as with […]
Some financial articles insist that a will is not the best way to leave assets to heirs. But why is that? Won’t scribbling something on a napkin work? Wills often lead to long and expensive court proceedings. Countless other more-efficient ways could be used, all of which more effectively pass property to family. But follow this […]
Part 3 of a 3-Part Series Last week, in part two of our three-part post about probate-proof estates, we covered one option for avoiding probate with a strategy we called the “Piecemeal Approach.” Click here to read that post. And to catch up by reading part one, which introduced the concept of how to avoid […]