Category Archives: Wills

Living Probate

Living Probate Glendora Upland

If you become incapacitated, who is going to take care of you? As difficult as it may be, face facts. If you become incapacitated, you will not be able to make medical decisions for yourself. What’s more, you won’t be able to manage day-to-day-today affairs. This would be sad no matter what. But, if you […]

Three Legal Things to Do After a Scary Health Diagnosis

Estate Planning Attorney Vic Skvarna

A scary health diagnosis causes emotional and logistical challenges. For instance, how can you take care of your family if something happens which causes physical incapacitation? In addition to working closely with your medical providers, consider taking these three legal tips: Make sure your Estate Plan is up to date. Are you among the 42 […]

Probate-Proof Trusts

Estate planning often brings out emotional decision-making relative to asset division. Many people think that if they love their family, they can solve estate concerns by leaving everything to their loved ones in a will. Unfortunately, however, wills are (contrary to their name), not the most caring way to plan your estate. It’s important to […]

10 Estate Plan Mistakes

Outdated Estate Plan

Have you created a trust or will? If not, now is the time to do so! And, if so, did you work with an established estate planning attorney to set it up or did you DIY? Either way, review the following caveats to see if any apply to your plan. Review the list to make […]

Do You Need a Will or Trust?

Estate Attorney Glendora Upland

The short answer? Yes; you need a will or trust! In fact, everyone needs a will, trust, or both to ensure their legacy is passed on in the way you intend. Most people feel strongly about the way they would want to provide for their children, spouse, and family members. And in the case of […]

Don’t Put Off Estate Plans til Tomorrow

Call today Estate Plans

Now is the Time to Talk with Your Estate Planning Attorney No perfect time exists to broach the subject of estate planning with your family. Although we all know that everyone eventually passes away, most of us choose to try to forget that reality. Faced with the decision between taking the initiative to start a […]

Fall Estate Planning Checklist

Estate Planning Taxes 2019

With several months left before the new year, fall is the perfect time to review your estate planning affairs. Below is a checklist to ensure your planning meets your needs and is up-to-date: When did you last update your Power of Attorney (POA)? A valuable legal document, no matter what the circumstance A POA is […]

An inheritance can change your Estate Plan

Wealth Inheritance Upland

Receiving an inheritance is a huge blessing. However, it it is not handled properly, it could become a curse. For example, often times, the inheritor does not know what to do with the new asset and runs into financial trouble. Without care, inheritors can squander most, if not all of the inherited funds. In such […]

Your 3-Step Guide to Creating an Informed Estate Plan

Planning for the Financial Future of a Troubled Adult Child  Are you concerned about any of your adult children? A well-executed estate plan can pose extra challenges for families with adult children struggling with addiction, marital issues, or irresponsibility with money. The last thing you want is for your wealth to end up having a […]

Keeping the Peace After You Are Gone: Estate Plan

Estate Planning Glendora and Upland

When musician Aretha Franklin died last month, she failed to leave a will. With her estate valued at more than 80 million dollars, her failure to complete an estate plan has put her heirs in a difficult position. An attorney who worked with Franklin for years says he urged Franklin to create a will or trust. […]