Category Archives: Wills

Beneficiary Designations

Estate Plan, Living Will, and Healthcare Power of Attorney documents

If something happens, a successor trustee you previously selected steps in without court involvement. In such a case, they manage the trust on your behalf. You can also designate what happens to the trust’s money and property at your death.

Contested Estate

Family Fighting Over Assets

While many assume that a will or trust signed in an attorney’s office is valid, such is not always the case. Attorneys who do not specialize in estate planning may be unfamiliar with the formalities required to make a will or trust legally valid in their state.

Incapacity-Proof Your Estate Plan

Life Incapacity

Most people agree that a long life is good. However, life alone does not guarantee ideal circumstances. For example, longevity, coupled with physical or mental incapacity, can prove challenging.

A Tale of Two Celebrity Estates

Red Carpet Celebrities

Chadwick Boseman died at the age of 43, after a four-year battle with colon cancer. Boseman kept his cancer diagnosis a secret for four years, working on projects such as the Black Panther in the Marvel Comics Avengerfilm franchise.

10 Types of Trusts

TRUST written on paper

A generation-skipping trusts allows you to distribute your money and property to your grandchildren, or even to later generations, without taxation, by using your lifetime exemption to offset any tax that could be due.

Estate Self-Care for Essential Workers

Essential Workers

To better assist our clients, we are available to meet by telephone or video conference. We may also be able to use remote procedures for the signing and executing of your documents, eliminating the need for you to come into our office at all.