Category Archives: Trustee

Asset Protection Strategies

Orange umbrella protects coin stacks from rain, financial protection. Investment security, wealth, economy stability. Safety planning for retirement in future. Growth asset prosperity insurance

Are you looking to secure your family’s future and protect your hard-earned assets? Skvarna Law Firm stands as your trusted partner in estate planning, offering expert asset protection. With offices strategically located in Glendora and Upland, we bring a wealth of experience and local knowledge to help you navigate the complexities of estate planning in […]

Deceased Mail: How to Stop Deliveries

Return to Sender Address Unknown -- Deceased Mail

Losing someone you love to death is difficult. When your loved one’s mail continues to arrive, you may struggle even more. Once the court appoints you executor or personal representative of a deceased loved one’s probate estate, take these steps. The same is true if you serve as the successor trustee of the loved one’s […]

Guardian and Trustee: What’s the Difference?

Judge Gavel And Striking Block Over Law Book With Guardianship Law Text On Wooden Desk

Admittedly, no one makes a suitable substitute for you as a parent. Nevertheless, a guardian steps in when you pass away to assume your parental role and raise your minor child through legal adulthood. Conversely, a trustee manages the financial legacy you leave behind for your minor child. As a parent, you need to consider the skills and characteristics each role requires to ensure that you nominate the right people for the benefit of your child and their inheritance.

Living Trust Seminar 

A living trust is a legal document that allows you to transfer your assets into a trust during your lifetime. This can help your estate avoid probate, a potentially lengthy and expensive legal process. A living trust also provides privacy, as it does not go through the probate process, which is a matter of public record.

Grantor Trusts: Benefit from Giving Gifts

Grantor Trust – Statistics/Business. Laptop in the office with term on the Screen. Finance/Economy.

A grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT) is an irrevocable grantor trust you can use to make large financial gifts to your loved ones while also minimizing gift tax liability. These financial gifts remove future appreciation from your estate, reducing the amount that will be subject to estate tax at your death. However, gift tax liability could apply. In this case, the trust creator would pay at the onset. You create a GRAT and then fund it with accounts and property. People expect these to appreciate over the GRAT’s term. Then, you receive a fixed annuity payment, based on the trust’s original value, for a specified time. Once the period ends, the court transfers the remainder of the trust’s accounts and property to your named beneficiary.

Choosing the Right Trustee

Trust banner web icon for Mutual Fund and investment, Settlor, Trustee, Beneficiary, Property and manager. Minimal vector infographic.

This person is a trusted decision maker who is tasked with handling all matters that relate to your trust. Depending on the type of trust, you could be the trustee in the beginning and need someone else to act as trustee only when you are unable to manage the trust, or you could select a trustee to act immediately.

Joint Trusts for Unmarried Couples?

Close up of old English dictionary page with word unmarried

If you are in a long-term relationship with your partner but remain unmarried, you may want to take advantage of these benefits. However, joint trusts do not work for unmarried couples. This may not seem fair. However, there are some important reasons why unmarried couples should consider separate rather than joint trusts.