Retiring or stopping your employment means losing one type of income. For many, their retirement accounts will provide a large portion of the money they will be living on during their retirement; however, this does not happen overnight, it takes advance planning.
Category Archives: Life Changes
After a Financial POA springs, the person nominated to handle your affairs may do what you would have otherwise done sans incapacitation.
No trust contains unlimited funds or an interminable time horizon. In the end, every trust eventually ends.
Left unaddressed, estate planning myths create serious trouble for loved ones. This often leads to intrafamily conflict, permanently damaged relationships, and lengthy and expensive court battles.
The court assigns assets, such as retirement accounts and insurance proceeds, to a designated beneficiary. So, in this role, they receive different treatment and more protection from creditors.
If an accident renders you unable to speak or make decisions for yourself, ask someone to speak on your behalf to doctors and medical providers. A Medical Power of Attorney (POA) allows someone to speak for you and arrange for treatment until you regain consciousness.
A life insurance policy sometimes provides money for continuing care of family members with long-term disabling health conditions.
October is Special Needs Planning Month. To honor the event, let’s examine planning for disabled people. Plan so they live their best lives. Carefully manage family money to fit the disability-benefit rules. Also, provide additional perks for the disabled person. Finally, through strict rules, permit disabled people to exercise autonomy over some of the money […]
At the time of a death, the legal determinations ensure that the court distributes inheritances in an orderly fashion. Issues may arise during death or divorce depending on whether you live in a community property or separate property state. Based on differing expectations of all parties involved, disagreements may arise.
Does creating or updating your estate planning seem daunting? If so, this blog addresses common questions senior citizens ask about estate planning.