Category Archives: Assets

What to Bring to An Estate Planning Meeting

Estate Attorney Meeting

Putting together an estate plan? If so, consult with an attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in this area of law. Your initial estate planning meeting will allow you the chance to discuss your family’s financial situation and cover concerns and goals. Preparing ahead of time for this meeting will smooth the way for you […]

Probate-Proof Trusts

Estate planning often brings out emotional decision-making relative to asset division. Many people think that if they love their family, they can solve estate concerns by leaving everything to their loved ones in a will. Unfortunately, however, wills are (contrary to their name), not the most caring way to plan your estate. It’s important to […]

Do You Need a Will or Trust?

Estate Attorney Glendora Upland

The short answer? Yes; you need a will or trust! In fact, everyone needs a will, trust, or both to ensure their legacy is passed on in the way you intend. Most people feel strongly about the way they would want to provide for their children, spouse, and family members. And in the case of […]

What if you Don’t Die?

Estate Planning Attorney

Part 1of a 2-Part Series Why Ignoring the Importance of Incapacity Planning Could Lead to Serious Consequences For reasons no one can quite understand or explain, deaths spike during the holidays. Weird, we know. But while we’re on the subject, we might as well address the elephant in the room; despite careful planning, you may […]

An inheritance can change your Estate Plan

Wealth Inheritance Upland

Receiving an inheritance is a huge blessing. However, it it is not handled properly, it could become a curse. For example, often times, the inheritor does not know what to do with the new asset and runs into financial trouble. Without care, inheritors can squander most, if not all of the inherited funds. In such […]

When there’s a Will, there’s a way to Probate Court

Some financial articles insist that a will is not the best way to leave assets to heirs. But why is that? Won’t scribbling something on a napkin work? Wills often lead to long and expensive court proceedings. Countless other more-efficient ways could be used, all of which more effectively pass property to family. Why a […]

Asset Protection Strategies

Asset Protection Strategies Estate planning is not only about detailing your wishes after you’re gone. It also means protecting your assets for as long as possible, so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. Understand the Attorney’s Role Before diving into asset protection strategies, it’s crucial to understand the scope of assistance you’ll receive […]

When to call an estate planning attorney right away

Although folks tend to think a single visit to an estate planning attorney should suffice for a lifetime, certain circumstances necessitate follow-up appointments. While not an exhaustive list, the following scenarios exemplify times when you may want to pick up the phone. 4 situations to call your estate planning attorney