Author Archives: Skvarna Law

Time for an Estate Plan Checkup?

Document, contract, review.

Failure to take the time to craft an estate plan could leave the state where you reside at the time of your death in the driver’s seat. Laws in most states set forth how to apportion property.

When is the Probate Process Necessary?

The Probate Process in Estate Planning

Your estate attorney can set up joint ownership to create and transfer property. However, this solution comes with its own set of concerns. TOD and POD accounts efficiently and immediately transfer funds to the named recipient after the account owner’s death, outside of probate.

A Supplemental Needs Trust Protects Loved Ones

Special needs trust application with clipboard and notepad.

Most people think disability affects other people. However, approximately 61 million U.S. adults live with a disability. That translates to one in four adults. What’s more, between one and four 20-year-olds become disabled before reaching retirement age.

Electronic Wills

Digital Will Electronic

We live in an increasingly digital world now. And courts increasingly determine whether a will created and stored on a computer, tablet, or cell phone and e-signed meets the traditional requirements of being “in writing” and “signed by the will maker.”