Tag Archives: incapacity planning

Incapacity Planning

About Skvarna Law Firm in Glendora and Upland, California

When it comes to estate planning, many people focus solely on what happens to their assets after they pass away. However, a crucial aspect often overlooked is incapacity planning. At Skvarna Law Firm, we understand the importance of comprehensive estate plans that address both death and incapacity. In this article, we’ll explore why incapacity planning […]

Incapacity Planning and Pets

Young European family couple relax during home renovation, focused in laptop computer, plan redecoration, sit near couch with favourite pedigree dog, boxes with personal stuff and floor lamp

Its terms do not apply when the pet owner is alive but incapacitated and can no longer care for the pet. That’s where incapacity planning comes in. Therefore, the pet could be left in legal limbo if the owner is sick, comatose, disabled, or otherwise unable to care for their pet.

Deathbed Gifts

Deathbed Incapacity Planning

Although gifts made within three years of your death are generally includible in your estate, an exception exists if a gift tax return was not required to be filed because the value of the gift was less than the annual exclusion amount. Transfers relating to life insurance policies, however, are an exception to this exception.

What if you Don’t Die?

Estate Planning Attorney

Part 1of a 2-Part Series Why Ignoring the Importance of Incapacity Planning Could Lead to Serious Consequences For reasons no one can quite understand or explain, deaths spike during the holidays. Weird, we know. But while we’re on the subject, we might as well address the elephant in the room; despite careful planning, you may […]