Category Archives: Wills

Back-To-School Prep: Not Just About Supplies

College Students & Guardianship

With your children’s wellbeing weighing on your mind each day, you could forget about some of the most important factors involved caring for their present as well as their future: naming a guardian for your estate plan. Guardianship & More When was the last time you reflected on the person you selected to be guardian? […]

Does Your Estate Plan Reflects Your Wishes?

Estate Plans Can Change Joe and Darlene are a married couple who decided to divide their estate property equally between their three children. They wanted their house to go to daughter, Mindy, who loved it. And the rest of their estate plans included equal division of assets between sons Dennis and Eddie. At their request, […]

When there’s a Will, there’s a way to Probate Court

Some financial articles insist that a will is not the best way to leave assets to heirs. But why is that? Won’t scribbling something on a napkin work? Wills often lead to long and expensive court proceedings. Countless other more-efficient ways could be used, all of which more effectively pass property to family. Why a […]

The California Probate Law Process

With probate court, the rules and processes differ depending on the residency state of the deceased. It’s important to understand the state-specific rules, which is why you need an experienced legal advisor. Skvarna Law Firm operates within California and understands the nuances between the different states. This post discusses probate law specific to probate law.

Probate Disasters: Celebrity Lessons

With wealth accumulated by the rich and famous, most of us would assume that celebrities wisely take steps to protect their estates. Think again. Some of the world’s richest and most influential people have passed away without a will or a trust. Others made serious mistakes that tied up their fortunes for years. For example, […]

Scary Estate Stories

Don’t fail your family the way these 4 celebrities failed theirs With haunted houses, horror films and talk of zombies, October is a great month to review a few scary estate stories. Instead of failing to properly plan for your family, learn from these cautionary tales. Make sure your family doesn’t experience the fate of […]

What to Leave the Grandkids

Avoid these 5 mistakes when adding your grandkids to your will As people build wealth, they naturally want to pass financial stability to their offspring. And when it comes to grandchildren, the bond and associated desire to provide is compelling. Nevertheless, that strong bond can morph into a weakness if you fail to exercise caution […]